From 2020 to 2021, he was the production designer of the State Autonomous
Cultural Institution of the Astrakhan region «Astrakhan Drama Theater»,
from 2021 - a full-time employee of the Department of Design
of the Astrakhan State University under terms of external secondary
employment, certified as an associate professor of the Department of Design (11.11.2021).
Born in 1976, Astrakhan.
Marat Dzhamaletdinov
In 1996, graduated from the State Budget Professional Educational Institution of the Astrakhan Region «Vlasov Astrakhan Art School» majoring in «Design», qualification «Advertising Artist» (diploma ST No. 286336),
In 2020 graduated from Astrakhan State University in the direction of
51.03.03 Socio-cultural activities qualification «Bachelor» (Bachelor's degree with honors No. 103032 0001503).
In 2022 graduated from Astrakhan Tatishchev State University in the direction of 44.04.01
Pedagogical education «Master»
(Master's degree with honors No. 103004 0014970).
In 2004, accepted as a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia
(membership card No. 4656).
His works are in private collections in Russia, Europe, Finland, the USA, the Dogadin Astrakhan State Picture Gallery.